Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chapter Two... coming!

Hello everyone. I'm currently deliberating posting Chapter Two of the (still nameless) story. I can't decide if i like it or not... which tends to be a problem with me... :P

ALTHOUGH, i found this little clip of something while going through my "library" of writing.
I shall post it. I'm not sure if I wrote it, or someone else did...
At first I though Adam wrote it, but he doesn't think so. So, i dunno.
I think it's rather food, and I might add it in somewhere.

"Alone, do some people even know what it's like?
Do some people know how it feels? I don't completely think so...
Just know that it's not the least bit easy.
It's not as simple as cutting a piece of pie. It's like depression.
The feeling of being completely an outcast."

I added this last part to what was already written.

"Like living in a dark, gloomy cloud. Never knowing if life is real, or a dream."


Emily said...

hahahaha ;)

I haven't read the first part yet. But I will...when I have some free time ;)

Matt said...

that sounds like something I would have written was written with my typewriter wasn't it?

why does food suddenly mean good? haha

Lindsay Taylor said...

it was written with MY typewriter, when we brought it to one of the movie meetings, i think. YAY! i've found it's owner! haha

that's an an inside joke between Josiah and i. Not really a joke, but something we say. haha ;)

Unknown said...

I /will/ read it even if I don't have free time ;). Besides, it only takes a few minutes.