Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Hobo. And other stuff...

So today, while driving, I saw a hobo walking down the railroad tracks, carrying a very long, pointy stick. I started imagining what he may use the stick for.

1. Poking roadkill, to see if they're still alive, and what the quality of the meat is.

2. Stabbing innocent victims in dark alleyways and/or sidewalks.

3. Threatening people for money, clothing, and chewing tobacco.

4. Using it instead of his thumb(which could be missing)to hitch-hike.

5. Hunting wild animals, or, quite possibly hunting someone's pet.

6. Popping tires. For his own amusement.

7. Drawing pretty pictures in the dirt.

8. Using it to clean out his ears.

9. Waving it in the air to avoid being hit by a train. (Which sometimes happens when people decide to stroll on railroad tracks)

10. OR, he be using it to help him hobble along. Which I highly doubt.
I tried to imagine what it would be like if I was stuck in the back of an 18 wheeler with this fellow. Rolling around with that pointy stick would be deadly, I'm sure.

As you can see, while thinking these thoughts, my blood-sugar was through the floor, and I was listening to some awesome music. Although, my brain does to that often.

I bought this stellar little antique tray today, a pair of shoes, a lampshade, and a Christmas gift for Bethy.
This year, I'm gonna wrap all my gifts in newspaper comics. ^_^

Our oven is smoking right now... from pizza drippings. *coughs her lungs up*
ANYWAY, I think I'll do the little short-story thing on here... prolly starting in a few days. So don't forget to check back!

So, have a nice night everyone. And avoid dark alleyways.



Unknown said...

I can think of other, not so threatening, uses for the pointy stick ;).

I'm sure that the lampshade is my Christmas present!!

I can't wait for the short-story!

Lindsay Taylor said...

hahahaha oh yes, get ready for the awesome lamp shade. *rolls eyes* :)